About Us

We are Manufacturing Company Since 2020

Established in 2020, D.R. Builders And Makers Pvt. Ltd. is a manufacturing company of EPS concrete products. Our purpose is to bring the best quality products to our customers. From our research, we discovered that EPS-Concrete products are ideal for Nepal due to its geography as it holds up well in different climates and earthquake risk zones.

Why D.R. Builders?

D.R. Builders and Makers is the first company to specialize in EPS concrete products in Nepal. EPS has been recognized worldwide for its array of benefits and cost-effectiveness. There is an ongoing global trend shift towards EPS-Concrete Products usage discarding traditional alternatives. However, similar kinds of products are not recognized in Nepal yet so we are glad to introduce and offer our products. It would be our pleasure to help you shape your construction.

We promise high-quality products and the best advice and suggestions for your construction. Our company is open to any long-term constructive partnership projects.

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